
The word 'Podcast' in bold, uppercase lettering


A highly-edited image modified using negative temperature showing a man's face with cultural markings running from his forehead to his chin and fingerprints under his left eye with the words FYRRE PODCAST at the top left and EP 05 at the bottom left and an arrow pointing in the bottom right

The Problem of today’s cultural development

16 March 2022

1hr 20min

ListenAn arrow pointing right


A highly-edited image modified using warm filters showing an elderly man with wide-growing hair and beard and spectacles resting underneath his nose looking at the camera with the words FYRRE PODCAST at the top left and EP 04 at the bottom left and an arrow pointing in the bottom right

The hidden messages of Jack Nielson

16 March 2022

1hr 20min

ListenAn arrow pointing right


A highly-edited side image modified using negative temperature and filters showing a man wearing overalls, sneakers and a beanie, covered in paint, whilst holding a paintbrush in his left hand and a bucket in his right painting a mural with a paint can on the floor in the foreground with the words FYRRE PODCAST at the top left and EP 03 at the bottom left and an arrow pointing in the bottom right

Behind the scenes of the street art culture

16 March 2022

1hr 20min

ListenAn arrow pointing right


An orange-tinged side image showing a man crouched on the floor facing the ground with his eyes closed, his arms laid across his knees and a shape tattoed on his neck with the words FYRRE PODCAST at the top left and EP 02 at the bottom left and an arrow pointing in the bottom right

The art of movement

16 March 2022

1hr 20min

ListenAn arrow pointing right


A blue-tinged side image showing a woman with a mole under her left eye looking downwards, and behind her is a statue of a man appearing parallel to her position with the words FYRRE PODCAST at the top left and EP 01 at the bottom left and an arrow pointing in the bottom right

10 artists you should definitely know

16 March 2022

1hr 20min

ListenAn arrow pointing right